Aftercare in the Community after the Loss of a Baby : Anecdotes for GPs, Midwives and Health Visitors

Recently I hosted a #BabyLossHour with guest, Kate Pinney, a Tommys Midwife and Health Visitor. I invited Kate alone as the Health Visitor voice is one we don't really hear from in regards to baby loss and I wanted to explore that a little more. As always, whenever after care is discussed - it was … Continue reading Aftercare in the Community after the Loss of a Baby : Anecdotes for GPs, Midwives and Health Visitors

How to Help a Friend who Has Lost a Baby

Every week, bereaved parents affected by Baby Loss get together on Twitter and chat about various topics about life after baby loss. We do this through my twitter chat, #BabyLossHour. A recent topic was 'how to support a bereaved parent' - something that no doubt many people have typed into Google in a quest to answer one of the most challenging encounters of friendship (or other such relationships).

Baby Loss Hour Specials for Baby Loss Awareness Week 2018

Baby Loss Hour started in January 2018, and since then, every single week parents, families, supporters, organisations and charities all invested or affected by baby loss have connected, signposted and supported each other every Tuesday evening on Twitter. It has become such a beautiful community - relaxed, welcoming and supportive. I am so, so proud … Continue reading Baby Loss Hour Specials for Baby Loss Awareness Week 2018